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Cooperative Brand

About RMC

Established in 2010, Guangzhou Shengtong Trading Co., Ltd is a trader specialized in research and development of the slippers and sandals. Our company located in Guangzhou, China, with convenient transportation access and in the most busy shoes business zone — Zhanxi. We have over 40 employees with the export 100% of our products.

All of our products comply with international quality standard and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. The excellent quality control throughout all stage of the goods enables us to guarantee the total customer satisfaction.

With the ambition of the heart that creates the special value for the customer, achieve the employees career and achieve the big industrial is constant forever. We cultivate the enterprise culture to comply with the global trade trend and to show the customer our bright future. On the international stage, we have attended the world fairs, including the GDS, Garda Fair, WSA and the Canton fair.

There is the web show platform in Internet, which makes us have more approach way to the world. If you are interested in any of our products or would like to establish business relationship with us, please feel free to contact with us. We are looking forward to forming success business relationship with new client around the world in the near future.

Copor Culture


职位描述: 1、负责跟进样品单、订单; 2、负责样板、大货进货表的汇总; 3、负责找指定供应商采购辅料; 4、负责跟进大货订单测试流程; 5、负责与供应商及公司财务对账; 6、订单跟进过程中发现异常及时处理; 7、完成上级交办的其他工作; 任职资格: 1、40岁以下,男女不限; 2、有3年以上跟单经验; 3、具备基本英语听说能力; [ . . . ]


职位描述: 1、负责接收业务下发的客户订单; 2、负责根据客户订单需求下单至对应工厂,要求工厂回签合同,并跟踪产品生产进度; 3、负责按照《订单进度表》对订单进行品质及交期的跟进及监督; 4、负责产品包材的订购、对账、录入系统; 5、负责将出货通知下发至工厂; 6、负责及时处理异常订单; 7、完成上级交代的其他工作。 任职资格: 1、大专及以上学历,有2年以上外贸跟单工作经验; 2、英语CET-4级以上,英语听、说、读、写流利,能用英语与国外客户流利交流; 3、责任心、执行力、沟通协调能力强,思维敏捷清晰,细心; [ . . . ]

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